
Ankle Pain

Ankle Pain in Cedar Rapids, IA

Ankle Pain

Seek treatment from Dr. Peter Caldwell of Iowa Foot & Ankle Clinic if you’re struggling with ankle pain in Cedar Rapids, IA.

Why Are You Experiencing Ankle Pain?

Ankle pain can be a nightmare to deal with. Once that joint is compromised, you may struggle to get anything done. Anytime you attempt to get work done, your ankles may start hurting and restrict further movements. You may even require support to go from one room to the next.

Addressing your ankle injury should be your priority. Before beginning treatment, you must first identify the cause of your ankle pain.

Sprains are among the most common ankle injuries people sustain. Bad falls and other people stepping on your feet can lead to sprains. The ligaments in your ankle joint may also sustain damage after you slip on an uneven surface. Symptoms commonly associated with sprained ankles include lingering pain, stiffness, swelling, and joint instability.

Achilles tendonitis is another soft tissue injury that can explain your ankle pain. Aging can weaken your Achilles tendon, making it more susceptible to continuous strain. Sudden exertion can exacerbate the damage to your Achilles tendon and cause this injury. The pain near the back of your ankle may be related to Achilles tendinitis.

Arthritis could also be the root cause of the pain plaguing your ankle.

Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the most likely explanations for your discomfort. While osteoarthritis is caused by the cartilage in your joints wearing down, rheumatoid arthritis is related to your immune system mistakenly attacking your joints. Regardless of which type of arthritis you’re dealing with, you can expect to experience pain, swelling, and stiffness.

Identify and treat the causes of your ankle pain in Cedar Rapids, IA, by partnering with Dr. Caldwell of Iowa Foot & Ankle Clinic.

How Can a Podiatrist Treat Your Ankle Pain?

Podiatrists can offer effective treatment solutions for ankle pain.

If you recently sustained a sprained ankle, your podiatrist can address that injury by prescribing medical devices and medication. Your podiatrist can also initiate therapy to restore the strength and stability of your injured ankle.

Achilles tendinitis also responds well to medication and orthotics. The medication can alleviate your symptoms, while the orthotics can ease the strain on your Achilles tendon. Physical therapy is also an option if your injury is taking too long to recover.

Your podiatrist can continue using medication and physical therapy to treat your osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. If you have a severe case of osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, your podiatrist may suggest surgery as a potential solution to your chronic ankle pain.

Dial 319-363-3543 to receive ankle pain treatment in Cedar Rapids, IA, provided by Dr. Caldwell of Iowa Foot & Ankle Clinic.

Contact Us

Call for an appointment  319-363-3543

Iowa Foot & Ankle Clinic

1700 1st Ave NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402-5433