
Preparing for Foot Surgery: What To Expect

Preparing for Foot Surgery: What To Expect

Maybe you had an accident or are feeling pain from neuroma or hammer toes. These are conditions that may require foot surgery in Cedar Rapids, IA, so you should know what to expect. When you visit the Iowa Foot & Ankle Clinic for a consultation, Dr. Peter Caldwell will provide all the insight you need about your potential surgery.

What to Expect During Foot Surgery in Cedar Rapids, IA

There are several reasons why you may need surgery on your foot. Whether you have a hammertoe, fallen arch, or excruciating pain from plantar fasciitis, your local foot doctors can guide you through your surgical options. Many professionals have non or minimally invasive options, regardless of the type of foot surgery.

You can expect your doctor to conduct a physical examination to ensure you are healthy enough to undergo the process. As part of your pre-surgical preparation, your doctor may ask you to refrain from using blood thinners, drinking alcohol, or smoking. Your surgeon will make an incision as close as possible to the damaged joint, fracture, or deformity. Because of minimally invasive options, you can expect to have fewer scars and faster healing than you may have had years before.

What Is Recovery Like?

Once the surgery is complete, you must heal. Your podiatrist may likely fit you for a cast or a boot to protect your foot. The boot will allow you to get around without bearing weight on the recovering foot. You can also expect some physical therapy to help strengthen your foot muscles and ensure a proper range of motion. If there are any stitches or staples, your foot doctor will usually remove them two or three weeks after surgery.

You should also watch out for possible complications, such as persistent pain and throbbing or fever. If this occurs, make sure you notify your doctor immediately. Once the surgery is over, expect to have some follow-up visits so doctors can ensure the foot is healing as it should. They will ensure there is no infection and you can also ask questions about your ongoing recovery.

For some people, deciding to get surgery may not always be an easy one. After all, some people may be afraid of scarring, or the invasiveness that comes with certain surgical procedures. Thanks to technology and trained experts, your foot surgery will likely be as minimally invasive as possible. Dr. Caldwell is your trusted professional at Iowa Foot & Ankle Clinic. When you are ready for foot surgery in Cedar Rapids, IA, call us at (319) 363-3543 for a consultation today.

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Call for an appointment  319-363-3543

Iowa Foot & Ankle Clinic

1700 1st Ave NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402-5433